Background of Indian Supreme Court Judges

Uploaded: over 3 years ago; Last updated: over 2 years ago ; Date of Publication: 13-April-2021

All India

1950 - 2021


Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

This dataset contains information on the regional and professional background of the Indian Supreme Court judges along with their gender and intended date of retirement. It also identifies if certain educational and professional details of judges are available on the Supreme Court website.


Rangin_Justicehub File.xlsx

This dataset captures background details of judges in the Indian Supreme Court from 1950-2021


Codebook for dataset on 'Indian Supreme Court ...

This codebook lists the variables and and entries in the Indian Supreme Court Judges dataset


Who are our judges.pdf

This paper utilizes the an earlier version of the 'Indian Supreme Court Judges' dataset to critique the information disclosure practices of the Supreme court judges. It highlights the absurdity of the expectation of judges to be trusted by the public while doing little to earn that trust.


An Empirical Assessment of the Collegium's ...

This paper examines how the collegium has influenced the composition of the Supreme Court. It finds that while there is a better balance of regional diversity under the collegium, the Supreme Court has become professionally homogenous with a complete dominance of lawyer-judges. This paper is based on an earlier version of the 'Indian Supreme Court Judges' dataset.