Union budget data for SRE and Special Infrastructure Scheme for LWE Areas (2016-17 to 2022-23)
Uploaded: over 3 years ago; Last updated: over 2 years ago ; Date of Publication: 12-January-2022
All India
2016 - 2021
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
This item contains provision for the Schemes of Security Related Expenditure (SRE), special infrastructure scheme & special central assistance to 35 worst affected districts in the Left Wing Extremist affected areas, assistance to central agencies for LWE management, civic action programmes, Media Plan Activities in various states.
The dataset contains time series data of the union budgets for the scheme - SRE and Special Infrastructure Scheme for LWE Areas. The dataset contains several indicators such as Budget Estimates, Revised Estimates, Actual Expenditure, Actual Expenditure as a percentage of Ministry, Fund Utilisation. The raw dataset have been sourced from OpenBudgetsIndia Platform.
All scheme related metadata which includes non-budget information such as scheme description, type of scheme, etc. The dataset has been sourced from the respective websites of the ministry and department.
Data Codebook
The codebook contains details such as definition, type, values, format, etc. about the variables present in the datasheet
Data Guidebook
The data guidebook describes the process of data curation and development of key indicators which are used to analyse the budget datasets. The file also contains links to all schemes/ministries/departments for which the data can be explored on the Budget for Justice portal.